
Is the PlayStation 4 a common appliance in Lounge / Bedrooms?

The use of gaming consoles was originally born in the late 1980’s which began with the most commonly known and world wide console, the Sega Mega drive. Originally you’d have one console in one house, or in the 80’s, one console per street, but in today’s modern time, you can now see some houses with two Play station 4 consoles.

Now we’d generally associate the kettle and or toaster as a common kitchen appliance, which are normally found in kitchens up and down the country. Now a days we can see PlayStation 4 in at-least 2 rooms of the house, kitted out with the latest mod-cons, flat screen tv’s (with smart technologies) and the ability to screen share.

So to sum this up, we can generally say that the Playstation 4 Is a common appliance found in households today and we can only expect to see this trend grow over the next decade.